Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our Divine Creator.

"The more we learn about the universe,
the less it looks like a great machine and the more it looks like a great thought."
~Sir Arthur Eddington, British astronomer

I just saw this video and wanted to share. The images are incredible and thought provoking. John Lewis, the scientist in the video, presents a thoughtful, intelligent perspective on God and religion, which is refreshing. I really like when he talks about how our two eyes work together, and how science and religion are like two eyes or two witnesses.

God, our Heavenly Father, loves us, all of us, and He has prepared a plan for us all to return to live in heaven with Him and our families again. In the LDS Church, we often call this "The Plan of Happiness". He wants us to be happy. Knowing where I came from, what my purpose is, and where I'm going gives me something to reach for and look forward to, and offers beautiful assurance and hope when life is hard.


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